Darkot is located in Munsiari tehsin of Pithoragarh district. Angora rabbit's fibre is light, soft and silky textured and especially known for its good thermal insulation characteristics. Woollen products are created in two methods one is weaving and the other method is by knitting method. The process of creating yarn into beautiful caps, shawls, mufflers and sweaters is very creative and done with minimum tools. Women artisan of Darkot village are not only skilled in making woolen products, they also take care of agriculture during rainy season.
Fibre is shorn once in every three months. The sheared wool is carded and spun into spools and spindles. The prepared thread is loaded into loom and weaved to make shawls, mufflers and sweaters. Women folk make knitted products with rabbit fibre during their leisure time. Purely hand knitted products are very soft in texture and light weight and can withstand with cold weather especially in high-altitude regions.
For more details: http://dsource.in/resource/angora-rabbit-wool-weaving