Raavan performed austerities (did tapasya) for Lord Vishnu. Pleased, Lord Vishnu granted him a wish. Raavan asked for some of the gods to serve him. He wanted Vayu or Pavan the wind god to sweep his floor, Indra to fill water in his house and Bemata of pressing the feet of Raavan. The Gods were really upset but Vishnu had to honour his word to Raavan. However, Vishnu sent Ram and Lakshman to kill Raavan. After Raavan’s death the gods were free and each returned to their tasks. Vayu got busy with blowing the clouds and Indra was occupied with the rains and monsoon. Bemata wanted to do something substantial too. She was given the task of writing the future on the foreheads of all newborn children. She also blesses women with children if they pray to her.