Design Thinking
and Innovation
for Higher Education


What is Design Thinking and Innovation (DT&I)?

One can understand Design Thinking as a method to solve problems using a process. It is one of the most effective ways to create something new. A process that first understands users, identifies and analyses a problem or need, and researches relevant information, after which ideas are explored and analyzed, until an appropriate innovative solution to the problem or need is arrived at. Hence Design Thinking could be viewed as the process that translates an idea into a blueprint for something useful, whether it's a vehicle, a building, a graphic, a service or a system.
In a nutshell, Design Thinking along with Innovation, combines user requirements, finds creative solutions, explores suitable technology alternatives, and results in a new business enterprise or solves existing problems for an organization.

The Design Thinking process can be applied to solve problems and find creative innovative solutions in any field or domain. For example, you could apply Design Thinking to solve problems in arts, social sciences, law, medicine, engineering, business, etc. It could even be applied to solve problems at home or in your neighbourhood or your place of work. Whether it is a simple problem or a complex problem, a design thinker finds creative ways to tackle them. If everyone could adopt this method to solve problems then we would be moving towards a creative society that finds solutions to many of its problems.

What are the aims of Design Thinking and Innovation Course?
The Design Thinking and Innovation course will help students Identify problems and be able to find solutions and apply Design Thinking processes and methods to solve various problems. The course will help students learn the fundamentals/essentials of the Design Thinking and Innovation process. The students will solve live contextual problems such that it creates awareness in the students through observation, discovery, analysis, experience, collaboration and reflection. The intention is to nurture their curiosity and enhance their explorative abilities and be able to apply it to foster creativity and innovation in students in any field. The students will also be able to realize their ideas as prototypes, test it and get feedback from users so that they can iteratively improve their solutions.


Who should attend this course?

The course is meant for (1) faculty members at both school and colleges who would like to understand this subject, (2) students of higher education (3) professionals in any field who would like to explore creative possibilities in their respective areas of expertise and (4) entrepreneurs. The backgrounds of faculty members, students, young professionals and entrepreneurs could be from science, humanities, engineering, law, medicine, architecture, design and other disciplines.

Note for entrepreneurs: The course will be useful for entrepreneurs who would like to improve their business and are seeking new opportunities and methods to do it. It could be to develop new innovative products or applications, improve their services in novel ways, or to find a solution to an existing problem. These could include SMSE's, Tech Start-ups, Social Innovators, Rural Entrepreneurs, etc.

Should you opt for this course?

Design Thinking and Innovation will assume an ever more important role to play in the future of our world. This will help address, identify and solve problems creatively whatever the field of specialization. It should be useful to find solutions to issues both within one's own contexts and to issues at a national or global level. It will also be a useful tool for us to move towards a creative economy in the coming years.

So if you would like to be part of this creative innovative practice, do opt for this subject.


How is the Design Thinking and Innovation course learnt?
The Design Thinking and Innovation course has 4 sections for each of the sessions or module:
1. DT& I Process
2. DT& I Tools
3. DT&I Project
4. DT&I Case Studies

Method of Learning:
- Exposure to different aspects and stages of thinking process
- Solving an identified problem in stages across the 16 weeks (involving the DT&I process and tools)

DT&I Process:
Steps to Creativity and Innovation:

DT& I involves the following five phases in the process of solving a problem:
Phase 1. Observe/Research/Empathize
- Conduct secondary research on existing knowledge and Primary research based on user studies
- The first phase helps you to identify needs and locate issues to be solved through observation and empathy
Phase 2. Understand/Analyze/Define,
- The second phase of the process helps you to understand, define and analyse the problem area
- Analysis of problem with relational mappings and visualizations
Phase 3. Ideate/Alternate/Create,
- The third phase helps you to come out with several alternate creative innovative solutions to the problem
- Creativity, Ideation and Innovation - generating alternate concepts
Phase 4. Build/Prototype/Detail and
- The fourth phase helps you to actualize the solution by building mock-ups, creating scenarios, and then prototyping and detailing
- Final Prototyping Methods with Interface, form and technology details
Phase 5. Reflect/Feedback/Implement
- The last fifth phase is to prepare a business plan, get feedback through evaluation so that the suggestions can be implemented in the final solution.

DT&I Tools:
Exposure to knowledge of Tools for Design Thinking and Innovation:
The program will expose the students to the state-of-art tools to be used as part of the Design Thinking and Innovation problem solving process. The tools are useful in all stages of the design process.
Some listing of the Tools:
Phase 1: Brain-storming, Mind-mapping and Affinity-mapping, SWOT analysis, Contextual Inquiry, Ethnographic Tools, User Mappings, etc.
Phase 2: Activity Mapping, Space – Time Mappings, Artifact Mappings, Concept Maps, Scenarios, Causal Diagrams, Giga System Maps, Life-Cycle Mapping, Journey Mapping, etc.
Phase 3: Brainstorming, Body storming, Lateral Thinking, Synectics, Removing Mental Blocks, SCAMPER, Rapid Idea Sketching, etc.
Phase 4: Paper Prototype, Soft Prototyping, Human Factors Analysis, Information Architecture, etc.
Phase 5: Hi-fidelity prototypes, 3D Modeling and Printing, Detailing, User Feedback Methods, Usability Studies, etc.
Phase 6: Business Models, Presentation Methods, Report Etiquettes

DT&I Project:
Project Based hands on learning Process:
The course will be based on hands-on project based learning where the students will identify and find innovative solutions to a live contextual problem as an open design challenge.
The understanding of DT& I process, use of Design Tools for analysis and exposure to Case Studies will happen simultaneously.
DT & I project is done during the duration of 16 weeks of this course making use of the different phases of the design process in solving the given problem

DT&I Case Study:
Exposure to Case Studies and Experts:
The exposure content will have theoretical and practical inputs from experts in this field as well as experienced professionals from the industry along with exposure to case studies of projects using Design Thinking and Innovation.

- 50% through MCQ's based on the exposure to Swayam Videos and Slide notes.
- 50% through project presentation/report evaluated based on assessment matrix by Faculty who are already Innovation Ambassadors at various institutes.


Duration and Sessions: Duration of the proposed course: 16 weeks
Number of sessions per week: 4
Duration of sessions per week: 1-3hours
DT&I Project duration: 16 weeks
Expected time to be spent on DT&I project every week: 4-6 hours
Total credits: 4 Credits

Start Date : 15 Jul 2024
End Date : 31 Oct 2024
Exam Date : 08 Dec 2024

Number of sessions: 16 x 4 over 16 weeks
Exposure to DT&I Process30 minutes
Knowledge of Tools for DT&I15 minutes
DT&IProject Steps15 minutes
DT&I Case Study example30 minutes
Total duration per week for sessions1.5 hours
Total duration for DT&I project every week:4-6 hours

Project as an Open Design Innovation Challenge:
- Every year, Real-Life Problem Areas (India focused) s an open design challengewould be identified based on contexual needs and given at the beginning of the course. This will be solved by each participant over the next 16 weeks.

Weeks at a Glance:
W1/2 - Understanding Design Thinking and Innovation Process, Identification and selection of DT&I problem to solve
W3/4 - Secondary Research on Problem Space
W5/6 - Primary Research Methods
W7/8 - Analysis of Problem Space through Visualization/Mappings
W9/10 - Ideation, Explorations and Creativity Techniques
W11/12 - Soft and hard Prototyping
W13/14 - Test, Feedback and Iterative Design
W15/16 - Business Model and DT&I Project Presentation/Report

Design Thinking and Innovation Course week-wise details:

Course Content
(scroll horizontal in mobile)




DT&I Process

DT&I Tools

DT&I Project

DT&I Case Studies

Week 1 - Module1:
Introduction to DT&I
- DT&I Structure of the Course
- What is Design? Design Thinking? Innovation?
- Stages of Design Thinking Process
- Aims and Vision of DT&I course?

- Brain-storming
- Sorting
- affinity-Links

- Topic Selection
- Brain-storming
- Sorting
- Affinity-Links

- Jellow:
Communication Device for children who have difficulty with speech (Communication + Digital Design)

live from 15-07-2024

live from 15-07-2024

live from 15-07-2024

live from 15-07-2024

Week 2 - Module 2:
Models of DT& I + Project Topic Selection
- Models of DT&I
- Identification and Selection of Problem to Solve in this course

- Mind-mapping
- Affinity-Links

- Top Selection
- Mind-mapping
- Affinity-Links

- Smaran:
Devices for the Elderly to support Sharing and Remembering (Communication + Product + Digital Design)

live from 22-07-2024

live from 22-07-2024

live from 22-07-2024

live from 22-07-2024

Week 3 - Module 3:
Secondary Research - Part 1 + Ask Questions
- Information Gathering: from past and existing information search through literature, journals, case studies, projects, etc.
- Documentation Methods
- Ask questions: Why, who, what, where, when, how, etc.

- 5Ws and 1H Questions
- 5Ws and 1H Matrix

- Secondary Research Part 1
- 5Ws and 1H Qs
- 5Ws and 1H Matrix Table

- Experiential Kavaad
Learning Culture through Storytelling (Communication + Interactive + Experiential Design)

live from 29-07-2024

live from 29-07-2024

live from 29-07-2024

live from 29-07-2024

Week 4 - Module 4:
Secondary Research - Part 2 + User Participant Mapping
Collate existing knowledge on the subject
- Understanding Users and their Environment
- Documentation Methods
- Technology Search
- Acknowledgments and references
- User Mappings

- User Participant Mapping

- Secondary Research Part 2
- User Participant Mapping

- Concept 25
Design of Solar Powered Pesticide Sprayer (Product Design)

live from 05-08-2024

live from 05-08-2024

live from 05-08-2024

live from 05-08-2024

Week 5 - Module 5:
Primary Research - Part 1 + Contextual Inquiry
- Understanding your Users environment, artifacts through Observation, Conversations, Documentation
- Conducting Contextual Inquiry

- Contextual Inquiry
- Card Sorting
- Affinity Mapping

- Primary Research Part 1
- Conducting Contextual Inquiry

- Den-Z
Smart Controller for the Bedroom (Interaction / Digital Design)
- Alochana
News through Stories (Communication + Publication + Digital Design)

live from 12-08-2024

live from 12-08-2024

live from 12-08-2024

live from 12-08-2024
live from 12-08-2024

Week 6 - Module 6:
Primary Research – Part 2 + Questionnaires, Cue Cards
- Further understanding of the users through administering Questionnaires
- Talking to Experts

- Questionnaires
- Cue Cards

- Primary Research Part 2
- Administer Questionnaires
- Talk to Experts using Cue Cards

- Lap Crate
A Takeout Food Box (Packaging + Product Design)

live from 20-08-2024

live from 20-08-2024

live from 20-08-2024

live from 20-08-2024

Week 7 - Module 7:
Analysis – Part 1 + Artifact/Activity/Spatia l Mappings
- Identify, Classify, Compare, Prioritize, Cross-relate information that has been gathered by Primary and Secondary Research
- Visualise Data as Artifact/Activity/Spatial Mappings

- Artifact Mapping +
- Activity/Temporal Mapping, +
- Spatial/Environment Mapping

- Data Analysis Part 1
- Identify, Classify, Compare, Prioritize, data/information
- Artifact/Activity/ Spatial Mappings

- System Design Project
- Sustainable Housing Society
(Product + Service Design)

live from 26-08-2024

live from 26-08-2024

live from 26-08-2024

live from 26-08-2024
live from 26-08-2024

Week 8 - Module 8:
Analysis – Part 2 + Personas Observations-Inference-Opportunities-Recommendations
- Listing of Key Observations to identifying Design Opportunities to suggesting Recommendations
- Restate or redefine the problem statement

- Causal Maps (Optional)
- Observations-Inference-Opportunities-Recommendations (OIOR)

- Data Analysis Part 2
- Personas
- Observations > Inference > Opportunities > Recommendations (OIOR)
- Redefining the Problem Statement

- System Design Project
- Indian Medicine System
(Product + Service + Digital Design)

live from 02-09-2024

live from 02-09-2024

live from 02-09-2024

live from 02-09-2024

Week 1- 8, Stage 1 Submission


Stage 1 Report + Presentation


Week 9 - Module 9:
Ideation Part 1 Generating Creative Concepts:
- Make visible your ideas - you are free to sketch, doodle, take notes, make diagrams, story cards, etc.
- Brainstorming for ideas,
- Creativity, Explorations,
- Alternate solutions, etc.

- Brainstorming for Ideas
- Idea Sketching - SCAMPER
- Lateral Thinking

- Ideation: Part 1
- Generate Alternate Ideas
- Idea Sketching
- Body storming,
- Lateral Thinking

- Geo-Lights
- (Product + Identity Design)

live from 09-09-2024

live from 09-09-2024

live from 09-09-2024

live from 09-09-2024

Week 10 - Module 10:
Ideation – Part 2 Selecting Creative Concepts:
- Visualisations and building conceptual models
- Convert the ideas into initial concepts and evaluate the different concepts
- Identify attributes of Innovation in your concepts

- Synectics,
- Analogical Thinking/Synectics
- Concept Maps,
- Concept Evaluation

- Ideation: Part 2
- Concept Evaluation
- Synectics,
- Concept Maps,
- Concept Evaluation

- Guitar Re-design(Product Design)

- Vision 2020
BPCL Retail Outlet Design
( Product + Identity + Signage + Service Design)

live from 16-09-2024

live from 19-09-2024

live from 19-09-2024

live from 17-09-2024

Week 11 - Module 11:
Prototyping – Part 1 Soft Prototyping, Paper Prototype Scenarios/storyboarding
- Prototype through 'Rough Sketches',
- paper Prototypes, Prototype through 'Scenario'
- MVP (minimum Viable product)

- Paper Prototype (low-fidelity),
- Soft Prototyping, - Scenarios and Storyboarding, - MVP (minimum Viable product)

- Prototyping Part 1 Demonstrate Concepts through
- Paper Prototype (low-fidelity),
- Soft Prototyping,
- Scenarios and Storyboarding,
- MVP (minimum Viable product)

- Helmet Design (Product Design)

live from 24-09-2024

live from 11-10-2024

live from 24-09-2024

live from 24-09-2024

Week 12: DT&I Process

DT&I Tools

DT&I Project

DT&I Case Studies

Week 12 - Module 12:
Prototyping Part 2: Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
- Proof of Concept (PoC)
- Info Architecture
- Experience Design

Prototyping Part 2: Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
- Proof of Concept (PoC)
- Info Architecture
- Experience Design

-Apply MVP,
- Proof of Concept (PoC)
- Info Architecture
- Experience Design

- Case Study Project:
- Storage Design to reduce Post-harvest loss of Vegetables

live from 07-10-2024

live from 07-10-2024

live from 07-10-2024

live from 11-10-2024

Week 13:
Final Prototyping
- Human Factors / Ergonomics
- Systems Mapping
- Hi-fidelity prototyping
- 3D Modelling & Printing

- Human Factors / Ergonomics
- Systems Mapping
- Hi-fidelity prototyping
- 3D Modelling & Printing

- Apply:
- Human Factors / Ergonomics
- Systems Mapping
- Hi-fidelity prototyping
- 3D Modelling & Printing

Case Study Project:
Design of Bamboo Sliver Furniture

live from 11-10-2024

Week 14:
- Make use of user feedback and finalise concept
- Stages in NPD (new product development)
- Interface and Technology outlining
- Explain the final concept through a scenario (storyboard)
- Demonstrate the proof of concept or innovation
- Demonstrate the alternate concepts to your users and get user feedback
- Methods of getting User Feedback
- Iterative design process

- Journey Mapping
3D Modeling and Printing, Hi-fidelity prototyping, Proof-of-Concept, Video Prototyping, Product Design, etc.
- User Feedback Methods,
- Usability Studies

- Apply:
- Journey Mapping 3D Modeling and Printing, Hi-fidelity prototyping, Proof-of-Concept, Video Prototyping, Product Design, etc.
- User Feedback Methods,
- Usability Studies

Case Study Project:

Week 15 and 16:
Business Model and Final Presentation

DT&I Tools

DT&I Project

DT&I Case Studies

Week 15 and 16:
Final Concept, Final Scenario, Form and Interface Development in prototypes, Business Plan, Future steps
- Integrating Design, Technology and Business
- Prepare a Business Pitch Presentation for your innovation
- Intellectual Property, Patenting, Open Source, Creative Commons, etc.
- Submit a report that includes the problem statement, research, ideation, prototypes, the final concept= along with the business plan

- SWOT/SOAR (Optional)
Business Model Template,
Presentation Techniques,
Video-recording of final presentation, etc.

Industry Case Studies

- Banyan tree ; Collaborative Project 2023: Aditi Chitney
Prof PV M Rao Narendra Ghate, Ravi Krishnan, Design Studios, etc

- 50% through MCQ’s based on the exposure to Videos and Text notes
- 50% through project presentation/report evaluated based on assessment matrix by Faculty who are already Innovation Ambassadors


Subject Expert Contributors:
- Prof. Ravi Poovaiah, IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay
- Prof. B. K. Chakravarthy, IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay
- Prof. K. Kumaresan, IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay
- Dr. Abhay Jere, CIO (Chief Innovation Officer), Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education
- Dr. Elangovan Kariappan, Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education
- Prof. P. V. Madhusudhan Rao, Department of Design, IIT Delhi
- Prof. Vivek Kant, Department of Design, IIT Kanpur
- Dr. Ajanta Sen, Director, Jellow Labs
- Prof. Anil Gupta, Honeybee Network, Ahmedabad

Team from IITB:
- Prof. Ravi Poovaiah
- Prof B K Chakravarthy
- Prof. K Kumaresan
- Contents co-ordinator
- Experts co-ordinator
- Video and Editing Team

Team from NIC:
- Dr. Abhay Jere
- Dr. Elangovan Kariappan
- Dr. Pooja Rawat
- Contents Co-ordinator
- Experts Co-ordinator
- Video and Editing Team


IDC School of Design
IIT Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400076, India

Contact Details:
Chetan Bhuj - 9769577540
Email ID:

