Alchi Village is located outside the city of Leh. Interestingly, it has one of the oldest monasteries, which is built on a lowland and not high up on a hilltop. The workmanship is influenced by the Kashimiri style of architecture and painting. The creation of the Alchi temple complex has been attributed to Rinchen Zangpo (958–1055) a famous scholar – translator from the 10th century. The Alchi monastery is considered to be one of the foundations of Vajrayana Buddhism. The entire complex has 3 shrines, the 'Dukhang' or the Assembly hall, the Temple of Manjushri and the Sumtsek Temple. 'Chortens' or stupas can been seen scattered throughout the temple complex. The monastery is now under the care of the Gelugpa Sect, also known as the 'Yellow hats' which is a school of Buddhism.
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