Pondicherry is a union territory of India, known as Puducherry and is sharing border with Tamil Nadu. Terracotta making is one of the ancient craft practiced in Pondicherry. In the beginning only traditional pots were made which has been changed over to making decorative objects and household items. The terracotta products are decorated with minute intricate design. Pottery making is famous and significant craft of Pondicherry.
The artists in Pondicherry create excellent range of products using clay. The craftsmen create new designs on the basis of customers/market demand. The clay crafts made in Pondicherry have wide variety of clay items. The products have huge varieties like home decorative pots, diyas (lamp), idols of gods and goddesses, and deities. The productions of the clay items happen throughout the year but have huge demand during Ganesh chaturthi, Duserrra and Diwali. The naturally made clay products are used for the daily life, special occasions and also decorative purposes.
For more details: http://dsource.in/resource/clay-idols-pondicherry