Saathi Samajsevi Sanstha was setup in 1988 with the aim of improving the artisan's standard of living and providing them equal opportunities in the market. Brainchild of Bhupesh Tiwari, Hari Bharadwaj and Bhupen Banchor, it aimed at revival of the condition of handicraft in Kondagaon region. With their centre at Kumharpara, they started collaborating with the potters of the area, understanding their present condition and providing them need based help. Saathi Samajsevi Sanstha aims at skill upgradation in products, which include good training, improving quality of products and innovation in designs. It also provides financial support to the craftsmen and helps them find a better price of their products in the market. Besides production, it also works for community development in the area by running schools and workshops for the locals. Their current presence is in 100-150 villages with ten thousand people associated with the NGO.
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