Wood has played an important role in the architectural development of the Indian civilization. It was one of the most ancient building materials for public and stately structural designs, traces of which can be found in the remains of early empires. Since then, the craft has evolved into many forms, catering to the various social, religious and functional needs of the people. Woodcraft of Bastar is famous for its beautiful and intricate style. Some of the well-know products of the region are wooden sculptures, combs, tobacco pouches and masks.
Forests constitute more than 75% of the total area of Bastar region. It is full of trees like shisham, sal and teak. Initially the wooden carved products used to cater to the personal and social needs of tribes. It gradually made its way to the local bazaars and then to the bigger craft markets.
For more details: http://www.dsource.in/resource/woodcraft-bastar