Design process that was followed in this project:
• Documentation and Research Work on Sikh Turban and Culture
- Origin of the word ‘Turban’, ‘Dastar’ or ‘Pag’
- The History of Turban in India and its symbolic meaning
- Spiritual and religious significance
- Historical significance in Sikhism
- Process of Turban tying
- Types of Turbans
- Material and Size of Turban
- Turban and Sikh ceremonies
- Turban accessories
- Significance of color in Turban
- Punjabi proverbs and songs on Turban
• Survey on Sikh Turban(ongoing)
- Q. & ans.
- Conclusions from the Survey
• Study on e-Books
- Why an interactive e-book?
- General Trends in e-books
- Case study of existing e-books
- New Generation e-books
- Existing application on turban
- Scope of work
- Comparison of Low Cost Tabs in India
- Medium & Specification
• Ideation
- Content Mapping
- Navigation Models
- Layout Design
• Final Prototype
- Menu page & Turban Around the World chapter
- Menu page & Turban Timeline chapter
• Design Elements
- Illuminated Ring - circular navigation
- Activation Zone - circular navigation
- Background Pattern
- Frames & Corners
- Text Frame Design
- Circular Navigation Design
- Timeline Design
- Creating a new iconography
- Creating Turban Avtars
- Character Design
- Creating Turban Patterns
• Conclusion
• Annexure
- Guidelines for development of web based application or e-books
- Android application: icon design guidelines
• References
Case Study Downloads:
• Dastan-e-Dastar - Pdf