The traditional saree from Chettinad is made of pure cotton. The yarn procured from Coimbatore sent for cleaning process (locally called), where starch is applied to increase the strength followed by coloring process, washed in normal water and dried in room temperature. The colored yarn is wound to the pirn for the weft, where the yarns are dipped into the vessel containing water for the color check, strength and then wound. Simultaneously the yarns are stretched, opened, looped by using stout bamboo rods and dried outside (street) for the warping process. The newly prepared warp is attached to the corresponding thread of the previous saree, where the process of weaving (for next saree) continue by attaching the corresponding threads.
Fresh knotted warp is drawn forward through the heald wires and reed, and rolled on the metal cylinder called as the warp beam. With the help of heddles and foot pedal weaving is continued using fly shuttle, passed through the warp shed.