The wooden idols are carved to make replicas of Lord Jagannath at Bhubaneswar. The wooden blocks are cut into the required sizes initially. The blocks are chiseled with the help of chisel and hammer. The arms are attached by nailing. The idol is sanded with sandpaper to give a smooth surface. Then the idol is painted with enamel colors. The most used colors are black, white, red, yellow, and blue. A coat of white enamel paint is given as the base color. Black color is filled for the face and further detailed work is done using complementary colors. Certain measurements has to be followed for making idols where only an experienced carver would be able to manage with the measurements. The eyes are painted with black and white circles. Lord Jagannath, Subhadra and Balabhadra are painted with respective colors. Once the idols are completely painted they are packed and sent to stores.