The tools that are required for coconut shell craft are:
• Filing Tools: Three different filing tools are used to sand the coconut shell.
• Pens (white marker): Pens are used to draw the reference lines to carve.
• Papers: On which drawings are usually done and are cut along the outline.
• Scissors: Scissors are used to cut papers.
• Wood Polish (lacquer): Wood polish is used to get the quality look for coconut shell products.
• Threads: Threads are used to stitch the zipper to coconut shell pouches.
• Coping Saw: Coping saw is used to cut along the designs marked on coconut shells.
• Carving Gauges: Carving gauges are used to carve intricate designs.
• Triangular File: Triangular file is used to trim and sharpen the edges.
• Drill Machine: A drilling machine is used to drill holes in coconut shells.
• Glue: Glue is used to stick two separate coconut shells together.