Following are the tools and raw materials required for Shadow Art:
• Print: Print of the image to be made.
• Carbon Paper: To trace the image onto the plywood sheet.
• Pencil: It is used in tracing.
• Plywood Sheet: To make the object of which the shadow will be cast.
• Paper Clips: Clips are put to fix the paper to plywood so that there is no movement while tracing.
• Light Source: Any source of light which is used to produce light to fall on the object casting a shadow.
• Micro Carving Drilling Machine: This machine is used to carve minute details.
• Plywood Wire Cutter (Manual): It is used to cut the object in selected places.
• Filer: Filer is used to smoothen the edge of the object.
• Paint Brush and Paints: It is used to paint on the object. Different coloured paints are used in desired places.