Design process that was followed in this project:
• Introduction
- Laparoscopy and 1current scenario
- Gallbladder
- Cholecystectomy
- Endoretractor
- Current Deployer
- Need for a new device
• Data Collection
- Market Study
- User Study
- Ergonomic Principles
- Anthropometric Data
- Patent Review
- Feasibility Assesment
- SWOT Analysis
- Visual Perception Matrix
- Task Analysis
• Design Brief
• Ideation Phase 1
- Brainstorming
- Stabilizing the gallbladder
- Deploying the tag
- Positioning of the hook
- Form exploration for the handle
- Attaching the tag to the needle
- Mechanisms
• Ideation Phase 2
- Control Allocation
- Finger Allocation
- Inspiration Board
- Form Exploration
- Concept Evaluation
- Final Concept
- Final Concept
• Design Detailing
- Mechanism
- Material and manufacturing processe
• Branding
- Branding and Poster
- Value Proposition
- Business Canvas
- Future Scope
• Referenes
Case Study Download:
• Deployer Device for Endo Retractor......
• Deployer Device for Endo Retractor_Report......