Crochet is slightly different from knitting. Crochet completes stitches and then proceeds to the next one while knitting has many stitches open at a time. Here geometrical and floral motifs are mostly preferred.
Basic steps for Crocheting is as follows:
• Gathering the needed materials: To crochet, a crochet hook, yarn, scissors, and large-eye needle are needed.
• Holding the crochet hook: The crochet hook has to be held in the dominant hand. A slipknot has to be created and placed over the end of the hook.
• Creating stitches: The slipknot loop is placed on a hook from a single thread and is inter-looped in such a way that a new stitch is made. Here the drawn thread is passed through the previous stitch, to create a chain of stitches until the intended length is attained.
• Forming a shape: The chain is either built in rows or joined to the beginning knot of the row to form a sphere or circular shape.
The woolen threads used here are mostly bright colours, used in single colour or contrast mixing. Hooks are selected on the basis of yarn thickness; therefore, the larger the thickness, the bigger the diameter of the hook. Thicker yarns give faster end result than thinner ones, as it marks fewer stitches and hence lesser the time to complete the design. While thinner yarns make beautiful delicate patterns though the process is time-consuming and demands patience.