Lambani embroidery is a combination of mirror work, cross-stitch, overlaid, and quilting stitches with the borders of applique patchwork. Initially, a base cloth of the desired colour is chosen. Usually, the dark blue or red-coloured fabric is used as a base fabric. Mirror or coins are stitched to the base cloth by using the regular needle and thread, and the decorative patterns of embroidery are made. The applique works are attached afterward as the embellishments. These are done in typical applique technique. Small pieces of fabric are cut into triangles and squares, which are later stitched to the base cloth. The borders of the fabric are turned in neatly and stitched. These applique triangles are usually stitched as borders to create a charming pattern on the clothing. As the final procedure, the extras of the thread are cut off and set ready to be worn or gifted.