Karnataka ShilpaKala Academy is dedicated institute to art and sculpture. The institution is armed with the tools, artwork, traditional sketches, ancient books (Shilpa Granthas), manuscripts with the hidden secrets of arts and sculpture. Shilpa Kala Shala established in 1952 and founded and modified by late A.C.H. Acharya. As a child having passion for nature and animals, Acharya developed his life a world of sculpture, art, religion and vision-setting world for all who came to him for guidance and development of not alone sculpture but also spirit.
The main reason for this academy to be established is in the modern days with the busy life all the humans are leading a mobile life and there is no time for observing the beauty of nature.
There was a reborn of Shilpakala academy for the modern age to get the past back to the present age. We were able to find all the stone carving and sculptures were sculpted by ancient people in the temples and historical places. To change the trend Shilpakala started to choose and pick the most skillful and trained sculptor or artists to show out their best work on the present status. It has been over 20 camps, which has been conducted by Shilpakala academy and their results were hyper success. They have different types of camps that is cement sculpting, stone carving, fiber casting and metal casting that is being organized in different states of India by Shilpakala academy.
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