One family in Kondapalli also makes the popular ‘Dancing Doll’ which originally comes from Thanjavur in Chennai. The family migrated from Thanjavur to Kondapalli a few years back and produces these dolls here in Kondapalli now.
These dolls are made from paper maché and moulds. There are moulds of different parts of the doll divided into two halves (front and back). The paper maché flat layers are rolled with the help of a pin in thin layers. The thin layers are stuck in these different moulds by pressing with hands taking the impression and shape. Extra material is cut and removed. The moulds are kept in sun to dry for some time. After the basic shape is dry enough, it is removed from the mould and the front-back halves are joined using fevicol. And then, these dolls are finished and pained part by part in bright natural colours to be assembled in one piece.