The ‘Sing’ or horn of ‘Pepa’ is generally known as ‘Thola’ and is made of buffalo horn. To make the ‘Pepa’, first, the tip of the horn of the dead buffalo is kept immersed in warm water or cow dung for some time for softening and then cut with a knife or by hollowing with the broken glass. This Sing (Horn) is known as Thola.
Horn of a Buffalo.
Any brass metal or ring may be fitted onto the broader side of the Thola to avoid damage and also for its beauty. The smaller end of the “Thola” is fitted to a piece of cylindrical reed of bamboo (of about 15cm), also called Nalicha or Garvahala. The Nalicha generally contains four holes. At the other end of the Nalicha, a little Pepa (a little pipe) of about 4cm is pushed into it. This small Pepa is called Thuri. For the convenience of playing this Thuri is kept enclosed in a bamboo Cupahi. This instrument is played by placing the mouth towards the Cupahi.