Design process that was followed in this project:
• Introduction
• Aim and Objective
• Literature Study (Phase I)
- History of folktales
- Adaptations of folktales
- Northeastern Folktales
• Current Scenario
- Conferences
- Academic courses
- Folklore museums
- Folk Theatres
- Books
• Need for the Project
• Target Audience
• Literature Study (Phase 2)
- Selecting a story
- Studying Story Structures
- Studying Sequential Art techniques
• Design Direction
- Step-Outline Exploration
- Step-Outline Selection
• Art Explorations
- Study of Graphic Novel Styles
- Study of Assamese landscapes and lifestyle
- Art Style Explorations
- Landscape Explorations
- Character Design Explorations
- Storyboarding Explorations
• Final Concept
- Story, in brief
- Character Design
- Storyboarding
- Inking Process
- Colouring Explorations
- Book Cover Explorations
- Colour Palette and Font
• Final Book, a glimpse
• References
Case Study Download:
• The Tale of Toola and Teja......