Automotive Technology is increasingly advanced and along with these advancements come major privacy concerns for drivers. This is especially true for modern day connected cars equipped with infotainment and telematics systems that can collect substantial amounts of sensitive information. As cars begin to communicate wirelessly, the market for vehicle data is a lucrative new horizon. There is a rush to control this data and many vehicle manufacturers, who control this data at present, aim to become the service provider for all your car-related needs.
Connected cars in the market which are equipped with internet access are able to send and receive data, enable tracking and are able to communicate private information about consumers. Various smartphone applications as well as manufacturers and service providers have access to a huge pool of data that can be transmitted from a car and there is a clear disconnect in what is being tracked and what citizens are willing to accept when it comes to car data.
This not only needs strong data protection, but consumers have a right to know what data they are sharing in order to make informed decisions. Several user studies reveal that the consumers feel the need to control their data and the service provider they choose to share it with. They also must have the possibility to shut off communication when possible. Along with the user needs and technical requirements, this project aims at formulating a concept for an interface for self-controlled privacy in the connected cars.
A catalogue of requirements for the concept is presented after studying the available literature and the user studies which examine the user intentions and expectations from privacy in a car. Based on the requirements listed in the catalogue, a concept for step-wise privacy settings is suggested, which walks the user through the possible changes they can make to ensure privacy. A user-centered approach is followed while creating an interface for the vehicle and an accompanying mobile phone application. The final results are presented along with an analysis of the requirements which are being fulfilled or not by the concept suggested.
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• Conceptualization of an Automotive Interface......
• Conceptualization of an Automotive Interface - Report......