Wood dholaks are made from mango, jackfruit or teak wood which is brought from Moradabad. Solid/seasoned wood is processed and made hallow to the required size (1.5 feet to 2 feet) and dried under direct sunlight for further process.
Dholak generates two kinds of sounds, dhab-dhab side (right side while playing) the mixture of sahi-kare (mixture of lambi (scorpion shells of tropical waters), grease, used engine oil and chalk ka mutti (lime stone powder)) is applied at the center and dried for some time for the sound production of the taal. Sahi-kare must be applied with only the required thickness, if less there will be no sound produced and if more the sound produced won’t be of the needed tune. Therefore care should be taken to apply the right quantity of the mixture only to the sides of the Dholak.
Wood dholaks are made only on the demand of the customer. Earlier usmani community was known for the dholaks made from the wood.