Menko is a Japanese Card game played by two or more players. The cards used for playing this game are also called Menko. They are usually covered by images from anime, manga, etc. They can be printed on one or both the sides and are usually made up of thick cardboard. These cards gained popularity during the Edo Period in Japan and have been played ever since. The cards generally carry images from the popular culture. During the Edo period Samurai and Ninjas were popular, whereas before World War II images of battleships and fighter planes gained popularity. Post the war images from anime, manga as well as baseball players have been featured on the cards. There are various ways in which this game can be played. The most popular one involves placing a player's card on the floor where the other player throws his card with force and tries to flip the opponent's card by striking against it. In another variation is a circle of approximately a meter in diameter is drawn. The cards knocked out of the circle are taken. Also, there are other details printed on the card, which also become part of the play. Some cards have details of Rock, Paper and Scissors on the cards. These details are used by the players to decide who goes first. Another extra thing printed on the cards is "Fighting Numbers" Players at a signal take out a card. Whoever has the higher last digit wins the opponents card. Over the years people have come out with their own variation of the game play. These are just some of popular game plays created and used by the players over the years.