The tools and raw materials used in making Dholak are simple which are purchased from local markets. Buffalo skins are used as leather sheets which help to produce the sound. Wood and leather sheets are purchased from Delhi. Good quality wood is used to mould Dholak.
• Scissors: These are used to cut the leather in the required size of the bamboo rings.
• Bamboo Stick: It helps to tie the leather sheets.
• Pointed Chisel: Pointed Chisel used to pierce hole in the leather sheet.
• Metal Rings: Metal Rings are tied to the dholak with the room, which helps to tighten the rope when needed.
• Keys: Silver keys are used to tune the music.
• Hand Filers: These help to smoothen the edges and tune for sound.
• Ropes: Ropes are used to tie the leather sheets for tuning the music.
• Mixture of Shitharea (harika): Stone powder and Maida starch is mixed with engine oil, which is applied on the membrane to produce the sound from the instrument.