The origin of this form of cut-out art is inspired from puppet shows. Puppetry is the ancient art of moving puppets hand held or stick manipulated in front of audiences, with advancement of technology it has been recorded and filmed. From the mind of the creative and innovative thinkers this art has been converted into cut-out animation technique, which is again, is simulated into software’s nowadays. Software’s like adobe after effects also named it as puppets tool and other software’s have their own naming conventions. In Indian history as well puppets shows has been the major source of entertainment and education for the masses.
This art form has its characteristics, which makes it different from others:
• It is hand held, on sticks, threads, hand, wood etc.
• It may have detailed visual or dark silhouettes of black colored.
• It is an art of storytelling with characters involved.
Today, cutout-style animation is frequently produced digitally, with scanned images or vector graphics taking the place of physically cut materials. South Park is a notable example of this paradigm shift of manual to digital, since its first episode slowly from paper to computer.
Other notable example includes more recently—Charlie and Lola written and illustrated by Lauren Child and produced by Andrew Zein and Michael Carrington. The television series uses a collage style of animation which captures the style 2D cel animation, paper cutout, fabric design, real textures, photomontage, and archived and subsequently animated in a software application called CelAction2.
Some of the advantages of digital cutout over hand drawn animation and traditional cutout animation are as follows:
• Digital cut-out is a popular technique as it saves production time and leads to smaller file sizes.
• It can be done single handedly with the help of software.
• It doesn’t require paints, colored paper, magazines, camera or any other art material.
• It has less production work compared to the others.
On account of the advantages of low cost and faster production, it’s been used mostly for the web.