Cane and Bamboo crafts of Northeast India
Dramatic skies, blue hills and the endless expanse of textured greens form the poetic landscape of the north eastern region of India. Endowed with rich natural resources, the north eastern states are home to three hundred and fifty different species of Bamboo and Cane. These locally available giant grass in it’s different varieties have many local names like the Ajee, Aipo, Barak, Bhaluka, Esso, Jatti, Phulrua, Mooli, Seji, Taddora to name a few. From home to bridges: structures in bamboo are flung across the terrain; objects of everyday use- baskets, drinking glasses, smoking pipes, mats, hats, eating plates, windows, brooms, fishing basket reveal the usability of this variety of grass. Interestingly a thin string of bamboo may be used to cut the umbilical cord of a newborn child; the tender shoots of bamboo are eaten as food and the finely cut strips of bamboo are woven into fabric to be worn as dresses, belts and footwear. Through immaculate precision, and a temperament to create, skilled minds, using the simplest of hand tools create wonders with bamboo.