• Language and Art
• Summing Up We have thus taken a quick look at the grammar and vocabulary of comics. Of course, we must remember that in McCloud's view, words are the most extreme form of iconic representation, where the icon bears no physical resemblance to what it represents, yet manages to convey the full meaning. While McCloud focuses on icons, and the relationship between written language and visual art, we must also consider that language has its own figures of speech and usage, which often complicates matters when creating a comic.
McCloud feels that simple language and a cartoon-like style are best suited to each other, whereas a flowery style of writing, coupled with a realistic art style is probably the worst choice, as the art and the writing require different kinds of knowledge to be appreciated or understood fully.
Moreover, there are elements such as layout, speech bubbles, and colours, which no doubt affect the way we understand a comic book, and which comic artists, creators and critics must no doubt be aware of to come up with a truly engaging work or critique.