The tools and raw materials used in metal casting and sheet metal embossing are:
• Metals: Silver, Copper, Brass, Bronze and Gold are the 5 main raw materials used for making products.
• Clay: Clay is used to creating a rough model of the product to be made, and also to coat over the wax model.
• Wax: Bee wax is used to create the wax model. The wax is coated on the earlier prepared rough clay model of the product to be made. Lathe machine: It is used to turn the object while making wax model and carving process.
• Wooden Mallet: It is used for beating during the carving process.
• Compass: It is used for scaling as well as to determine the dimensions of the face of the idol.
• Chisels: Different sizes of chisels are used in the casting process.
• Scissors: A pair of scissors used to cut the metal sheets.
• Fuel: Charcoal is used as fuel to produce heat.
• Sandpaper: It is used to smoothen the rough surface of the metal image after casting.