Introduction to Day 20
Today, under Warm up, we quickly revise all Workouts in Session 1-5, and upto Day 19.
For Workout test, we do a body movement and line quality self-assessment through composition sheets, using sinuous lines and springs.
In today's Sense of Perspective Space: Test, we give you a Living Room Interior to be translated into a 1-point perspective, using floor grid. You do a self-assessment of the same, using comparison sheets provided after the exercise.
1. D17_5cm-One-Point-Perspective-Floor-Grid (Optional, if preserved from Day 17)
2. D20_Living-Room-Interior_Exercise_Sheet-1
3. D20_Living-Room-Interior_Exercise_Sheet-2
4. D20_ Living-Room-Interior-in-1pt-Pers_Solution
Warm up
15 minute Exercise:
0-5 mins : Practice very fast hand and body movements while drawing Horizontal, Vertical and Inclined Lines, Curvatures, Radial Lines and Rings, followed by various Sinuous Lines and Springs.
5-15 mins : Now, repeat the various workouts covered in Session-1-5, i.e. upto previous day WITHOUT the underlay grids and by CHANGING TOOL (use pastels today). As a warm up exercise using a different tool, the focus should be on maintaining line uniformity as well as good fluency of the drawn lines.
While drawing these, remember to:
1. Draw them for various lengths, diameters and radii.
2. Draw lines in either direction and curvatures, both clockwise and anti-clockwise.
3. Draw them at various pace - fast, slow, fast to slow in a single line, etc.
This practice of initially drawing the lines fast and then slowing down will help your body get into smoother drawing action for the workouts and perspective exercises ahead.
<Warm up Ends>
Workout Test
1. Aim: Drawing sinuous line and spring variations accurately
• Free flow of lines is of utmost importance. Maintain uniformity of size, thickness and pressure.
2. Set up:
• Cartridge Sheets, soft pencils, music
3. Instructions:
• Do NOT draw reference lines for any of the following exercises, or mark points.
• Do NOT use grids.
• Do NOT lift your pen while drawing.
• Do NOT use erasers.
4. Exercises:
1. Task-1: Patterns: Use sinuous curves for:
• (i), where the R = 10cm and is arranged alternatingly.
• (ii) with R = 10, alternately shifted sinuous line pairs
Note: Use cartridge paper, and strictly NO grid templates!
Image 20.1: Workout (i)
Image 20.2: Workout (ii)
2. Task-2: Springs along a path: Draw continuous springs as specified in image 20.3 below:
• using shroud, along a path of length 30 cm, from bottom right to top left, with a spacing of 1 cm and amplitude 5 cm. Refer (iii).
• along a 30 cm path, as shown in (iv) below, with a spacing of 1- 1.5 cm and amplitude 3 cm.
• along a 30 cm path, as shown in (v) below, with a spacing of 2- 2.5 cm and amplitude 3 cm.
Image 20.3: Workout (iii), (iv) and (v)
• If you draw well regulated springs along a circular path, you will get a pattern that looks like an epitrochoid. Vary number of turns for these epitrochoids, maintaining constant diameter of an imaginary circumscribing circle (10cm radius) and draw such patterns for 5 and 8 turns, as shown in image 20.4 below. Also try for 3 and 16 turns.
Pat yourself if you can accomplish a neat 16 turn epitrochoid!
Note: It is important to maintain consistency and uniform radiality of the turns.
Image 20.4: Workout (vi)
<Workout Ends>
Sense of Perspective Space: Test
1. Aim: Drawing an Interior Space in One-Point Perspective: Living Room Interior
2. Set up:
Tracing sheets, measuring ruler.
3. Exercise:
Using the Floor Grid you used on the previous days as reference [Download...5cm Floor Grid in One-Point Perspective], draw this simple Drawing Room Interior in One-Point Perspective [Download...D20_Living Room Interior Worksheet-1; D20_Living Room Interior Worksheet-2]
Image 20.5: Living Room Interior Worksheet
Image 20.6: Floor Grid in One-Point Perspective
4. Review:
Overlay on a correctly printed solution sheet to compare. [Download...D20_Room interior in One-Point Perspective_Solution].
<Sense of Perspective Space and Day 20 End>
<< End of SESSION 5: Sinuous Lines and Springs + One-Point Perspective >