Introduction to Day 25
Today, under Warm up, we do a quick recap of Workouts upto Day 24, i.e. Sessions 1-6.
Under Workout, you get trained to willingly not see what you are drawing. To ensure this, instead of using a cover/shroud (as on Day 13, earlier), we shall use a friend to monitor you or a distraction!
For Sense of Perspective Space, we draw a complex object using a product based overlay.
• Download and Print:
1. D25_product-based-underlay-for-battery-charger
2. D25_battery-charger-worksheet
3. D25_battery-charger-solution-sheet
• A friend! OR a timepiece OR an attractive, preferably mobile object (details below)
• Newsprint sheets
• Tracing sheets
• Soft pencils - 2B, 4B, 6B, etc.
• Measuring ruler/scale (for Sense of Perspective Space exercise today)
• Music
Overall Time Plan: - hours
• Warm up : 15 mins.
• Workout : - mins.
• Sense of Perspective Space : - mins.
Warm up
15 minute Exercise:
0-5 mins : Practice very fast hand and body movements while drawing Horizontal, Vertical and Inclined Lines, Curvatures, Radial Lines and Rings, followed by various Sinuous Lines and Springs.
5-15 mins : Now, repeat the various workouts covered in Session-1-6 WITHOUT the underlay grids and on a LARGE SURFACE. As a warm up exercise, the focus must be on maintaining correct hand and body movement while drawing the lines fluently.
While drawing these, remember to:
1. Draw them for various lengths, diameters and radii, as we practiced earlier.
2. Draw lines in either direction and curvatures, both clockwise and anti-clockwise.
3. Draw them at various pace - fast, slow, fast to slow in a single line, etc.
This practice of initially drawing the lines fast and then slowing down will help your body get into smoother drawing action for the workouts and perspective exercises ahead.
Do ensure that you keep aside a few minutes to draw lines and planes in perspective space.
<Warm up Ends>
Drawing in presence of distraction (i.e. not looking at drawing)
In this session:
Repeat all workouts covered from Day-1 to 24 - refer checklist provided - 30 minutes.
Repeat few using the hand you do not normally use for drawing/writing - last 15 minutes.
The entire workout session is to be done together with a friend/partner while monitoring each others' eyes while drawing. You must ensure that neither your's nor your partner's eyes shifts from the other's and onto the paper.
OR, ...a timepiece, if alone with a reasonable display size. It must displays time in seconds. Keep this in front of you at a comfortable eye-height (say about one half to two feet above drawing surface) such that you can easily see the changing seconds. While drawing, you have to read aloud the changing seconds continuously, i.e. "35...36... 37..." etc.OR, attractive, preferably mobile focal object such as a bright, colourful, windchime.
Note: Mind you! If you are using a timepiece as distratction and try to follow an inherent rhythm to read aloud to avoid looking at the timepiece, the cumulative difference will be a lot - and this accounts for negative marking!
Image 25.1: Set-up for this exercise - with a friend
Image 25.2: Set-up for this exercise - with a timepiece
Why this?
Because you cannot see what you draw, and your mind must focus on another object, your drawing process is made completely independent of visual feedback. You are forced to judge correctness based on the movement of your hand and your body, i.e. kinesthetic feedback and once the line directions are internalized, one can detach from the act of sketching - thus freeing your mind to think of other things. Using the hand not normally used for sketching while drawing without looking further facilitates internalization by forcing you to move your entire body as you draw.
Practice Exercises Checklist
(a) Parallel Lines: Horizontal and Vertical
(b) Inclined Lines: 45, 30 and 60 degrees
(c) Circles: Circles, Ellipses, Quadrants and Segments
(d) Radial lines: Converging, Diverging and Rings
(e) Sinusoidal Lines and Springs
(f) Intuitive Understanding of Perspective Space
Remember to add in these variations in each of these:
1. Draw them for various lengths,
2. Draw them in either directions i.e. left to right, then right to left, etc.
3. Draw them at varoius pace - fast, slow, fast to slow in a single line, etc.
Incorporate a change in drawing tools for the last 15 minutes of this workout session and see how well you fare!
Note: Although you may not cover all of these in this 45 minutes workout session, you are encouraged to cover as many varieties as you can, while maintaining quality, consistency and appropriate speed in your drawing.
< Part 2 Ends >
Sense of Perspective Space
Objective: Adding masses in Two-Point Perspective: Battery Charger
Using the provided base reference [Download...D25_product-based-underlay-for-battery-charger], download the worksheet and draw this battery charger (designed by apple) in Two-Point Perspective. [Download...D25_battery-charger-worksheet]
Battery Charger Worksheet
Base Grid for Battery Charger
Compare your drawing by overlaying it on a correctly printed version of the solution provided. [Download...D25_battery-charger-solution-sheet]
< Sense of Perspective Space and Day 25 End >