Introduction to Day 28
Today we have an extended Warm-up session (for thirty minutes.)
This is followed by a Workout Test Series designed to aid a complete recapitulation of all that we have covered in workouts in the last few weeks (i.e. Sessions 1-7).
• Grids: NO Grids permitted
• Paper: Cartridge sheets
• Tools: Different tools (Ref: Day-17 - drawing with change of tools)
• Music, and all your sincere practice from Day-1 until today!
Overall Time Plan: 3 hours
• Warm up : 30 mins.
• Workout : 60 mins.
• Sense of Perspective Space : 90 mins.
Warm up
First 30 minutes: Practice on your own in preparation of today's session. Use 4-5 cartridge sheets, sketchpen, 0.3 rapido, paintbrush and shroud. Provided below is a quick check-list to help mix and match exercises from:
(1) Parallel Lines: Horizontal and Vertical
(2) Inclined Lines: 45, 30 and 60 degrees
(3) Curvatures: Circles, Ellipses, Quadrants and Segments
(4) Radial lines: Converging, Diverging and Rings
(5) Sinusoidal Lines and Springs
(6) Intuitive Understanding of Perspective Space
(7) Strip Forms and Lettering
Do you remember the different methods that were introduced as we proceeded along our practice sessions? Here is a quick recall list :
(a) change of pace
(b) starting/ ending away from grid
(c) signature grip
(d) shroud
(e) change of tool
(f) left hand drawing
(g) drawing on large surface
(h) equidistant spacing
< Warm up Ends >
Workout Test Series
1. Aim: Recap and Evaluation of developed skills
Self-evaluation criteria:
• Quality and Flow of lines
• Control on hand
• Actual Time taken to complete all sheets
1. S1,3,4: Develop an aesthetically pleasing composition using straight lines and straight path/curved path. The PATH must use straight segments, semi circles, quarter circles and 45 degree curve segments. Within the path, the size of the line should not vary. No guidelines are to be used.
Tool: Use a soft pencil and shroud for this.
Image 28.1: Workout Test-1
2. S1,2,3,4: Now, similarly develop an aesthetically pleasing composition using curved lines with straight path/curved path. Again, the PATH must use straight segments, semi circles, quarter circles and 45 degree curve segments. Within the path, the size of the line should not vary. No guidelines are to be used.
Tool: Use a paintbrush.
Image 28.2: Workout Test-2
3: S1,2,3,4: Draw the following elements on paper so that they make an INTERESTING composition. Plan your composition in advance.
Tool: Use a 0.4 Rapidograph/ Microtip pen for this.
Image 28.3: Workout Test-3
4. S2: Use 2 different tools, as specified below, to draw 20 lines in the direction shown in image 28.4. Maintain alignment of corner and end at the red dotted line. (Do NOT mark this line, however, but use your visual judgement)
Tool: a sketchpen for the first 10 lines. Use a 0.4 Rapidograph/ Microtip pen for the next 10 lines.
Image 28.4: Workout Test-4
5. S2: First draw these two bounding lines and fill in by drawing 15 equidistant lines between these two.
Tool: Use a regular soft pencil for this.
Image 28.5: Workout Test-5
7. S6: Using two common vainshing points, draw 6 cubes in space spread uniformly along 'x' width, as marked in the image 28.6 below. It is understood that the cubes nearer the edges will be distorted. Do NOT use any guidelines.
Tool: Draw directly with paintbrush.
Image 28.6: Workout Test-6
8. S7: Write your own name in strip form seen in perspective.
Tool: Write directly with rapidograph/ microtip pen. Do NOT use any rough guidelines.
Image 28.7: Workout Test-7
< Practice Session for Warm-ups/Workouts End >