Craftsmen makes various Idols at this place like the Ganeshji, Vishwakarma, Durga, Kaali murthi etc. As per the festival or the occasions on which it is required from time to time and want of the people in whichever form.
Generally the smallest idol made by the craftsmen in Bytaranpura signal are generally of 2 feet size and the biggest made by them are of about 14-15 feet. The cost of the smallest idol will cost of about INR 2000 - INR.3000 and bigger ones will cost of about INR 50, 000 – INR.60, 000. It is said that it takes minimum of about 1 week to make an idol. As per the craftsmen they make Sheravali Durga Maata, Durga Maata and so on for the people of their community who live in and around of Bengaluru.