The title of the project is Affordable housing for the bottom of the pyramid. The land cost in the Urban cities is shooting up day by day as the availability of living space is becoming scarce. This forces the immigrants or the bottom of the pyramid people to force themselves into temporary living setup, which in turn increase the slums in the cities. This project is trying to provide a housing option for these people who have very low income and are mostly migrants. Various slums were studied for understanding the lifestyle of migrants belonging to various categories like Hedonist, Settlers, Risers, etc. Based on these studies , the minimum space required for a family of 6 members was calculated and different layouts were made for the same. Out of these, three layouts were selected as the final layouts of the house and a working model of one among these layouts were made to get the feedback of the users. Throughout the project we followed the approach of experiential learning where we made the life size mockup of the house in the initial stage itself and then based on our own experience inside the house, we modified it to suit the needs of the actual user category. The main focus throughout the project was to efficiently use each and every cubic volume present inside the house. For this, various spaces which can be of multiple use were identified and designed according to the incremental needs of the user. The outcome of this project is the prefabricated DIY units, which actually makes the user the creator of his space. Provisions were also provided for the user to bring in his own furnitures or equipments and place it effectively in the house in such a way it does not eat up much space.
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• Affordable Housing......