Local Trains in Mumbai being cheapest and fastest mode of public transport; more and more people are turning towards it. There is lot of time wastage due to longer ticket queue at ticket counters, inadequate number of ticket counters at train stations, Money change problems etc. And these are the basic issues faced to get a simple local train ticket.
Existing System
Though ATVM (Automatic Ticket Vending Machine) are already installed at some train stations not everyone can use the same. Due to varied range of users at ATVM, training is impossible. Hence, the project was undertaken for redesigning ATVM with simple and easy interface.
The project aims to reduce the queue by providing a better alternative to the existing traditional ticket counter and vending machine based system. The new machine has simple and easy to use touch screen user interface with minimum number of customer choices and can be easily operated by semi‐literate, first time as well as blind users. The reference route map is re‐designed to make it more usable using various color coding and symbolic techniques. It has multilingual support with better ergonomic features. Ultimately, provide an easy and fast ticketing to familiar/ unfamiliar, multilingual and handicap commuters.
Case Study Downloads:
• Re-designing of Automatic Ticket Vending Machine - pdf