'C9H13NO3' - Animation Film on Intolerance
The short film "C9H13NO3" deals with the intolerant elements in our society. “C9H13NO3” is the chemical formula for adrenaline. One can get easily addicted to the rushes of adrenaline which are caused by anger. This film revolves around an incident where a person is thrown off from the balcony. The film tries to find out the culprit through a series of personal experiences of the narrator.
Most people recognize anger as an unpleasant emotion and yet they themselves, in fits of anger, speak such words and do such deeds that break the hearts of their loved ones. These actions also cause them bitter regret later. This film is a look at ourselves and how we behave in a time of crisis.
Final Concept:
• Different people, different levels of intolerance
• Gravity of consequences of intolerance
• Illustrated through different incidences and characters
• Narration - selection of voice, tone and words
• Circular structure
• Mystery and intrigue
• The Mood
C9H13NO3 Downloads:
• Case Study - C9H13NO3 - pdf
C9H13NO3 Animation Film:
• Video - C9H13NO3