Design process that was followed in this project:
• Data collection and Literature case studies
- Understanding medical Blindness
- Causes of blindness
• Literature case studies
- Importance of playing in childhood
- Importance of playing for blind children
- Social and Play behavior in blind children
- Developmental Delays in blind children
- Need for multisensory learning
- Inferences
• User study and analysis
- In-situ User play behavior study
- User quotes and insights
• Market study of toys for
• Visually disabled children
• Design brief
- Design objective
- Design direction
• Design concepts
- Ideations
- Concept evaluation
- Concept finalising
• User testing
- Testing I & feedbacks
- Refining of design
- Testing II & feedbacks
• Design documentation
- Dimension drawings
- 3D model
• Conclusion
• References
Case Study Download:
• Cognitive Toys for Visually Disabled Children......