'Design of a Mobile Computer Aided Learning bus' project was aimed to be implemented in Bangalore for migrant labor's children. The special concern is children from the large number of migratory families serving the booming construction industry in urban India. These children have no basic education; even the written knowledge of any one language (Kannada, Urdu, Hindi) is absent. The bus acts as a medium to impart them with the basic education.
Under the sponsorship of Azim Premji Foundation (an NGO working for less privileged children); the project was developed to provide innovative solutions for the mobile computer aided learning bus.
The objective was to provide a learning experience which is also enjoyable. Observations were made to understand the process of e‐learning by these children, as well as their process of interaction with the bus. Different Methods for user study and analysis like video documentation and questionnaires were used to resolve the issues of ergonomic factors, orientation of the workstation, colour preference, aspirations etc. Due consideration was provided for devising the solution according to the manufacturing constraints.
Case Study Downloads:
• Design of a Mobile Computer Aided Learning Bus - pdf