Design process that was followed in this project:
• Preliminary Research
- Origin of ‘HUD’
- HUD in automobiles.
- Technology behind automotive HUDS
- Static HUD
- In-Car HUD
- On- Board HUD
- Volumetric HUD/ Augmented reality HUD
- Radar VS Lidar
- Future of AR in vehicles
- Nissan: Invisible to Visible
- BMW Natural Interaction
- Wayray Navion
- Tesla Autopilot
- Inference
• Methodology
- Cognitive Work Analysis
- Work Domain Analysis
- Control Task Analysis
- Experience Map
• User Research
- Cotton Green truck yard (Wadala)
- Vashi truck yard
- Stake holder Interview
- Key understandings
- How logistics businesses work
- Types of truck ownership
- Painpoint of stakeholders
- System level information flow issues: Truck journal, bribery and mistrust
- Issue with consignment allocation
- Burglary and natural calamities
- Navigation and driving issues
- Perceived important of data
- Inference
• Design Requirements
- Experience Map
- Control Task Analysis
- Information Architecture
• Design
- Technological assumptions
- Data flow design.
- Iteration 1
- Iteration 1: Review
- Iteration 2
- Highway Right Turn
- Braking
- Getting a consignment
- Reverse
- Interest areas
- Dealing with bribery
- Iteration 2: Review
- Further research
- Study of HUD displays
- HUD Design
- Iteration 3
- Fog assistance
- Blind Spot Assistance
- Visual Design
- Lane Change Assist
- Alloting a Consignment
- Ending a Consignment
- Braking Assist
- Reverse Assist
- Natural Calamity and Burglary Warnings
- Interest Points
- E-Journal
• Conclusions
• Reference
• Annexure
- CTA for scenarios
- Iteration 1 scenarious
Case Study Download:
• Design of Overlay Augmented Reality Windshield......