The DGCA (Director General of Civil Aviation) regulates everything in India which is related to drones and they are a set of regulations which are passed by the DGCA which includes CAR 1.0 and the proposed CAR 2.0.
In August 2018, Govt. of India passed drone regulations
CAR 1.0
VLOS Only,
Private drones (non- Commercial)
RPAs Categories
In 2020, Govt. of India passed ”NEW“ drone regulations
CAR 2.0
Commercial drones
Autonomous Operations
Drone corridor
Drone ports
Payload / Cargo
And they also have NPNT policy which is short for no permission to take off. NPNT technology is a hardware requirement for drones.
NPNT essentially means that if an operator doesn’t have a permit, the drone will not take off no matter how hard the operator tries.
So the DGCA actually knows when where and which drone is in the air at any given point of time. With the help of custom hardware and software, DGCA has regulated all the major drone manufacturers in India. Which allows them to track the drones.
As mentioned earlier, Drones were a big NO in the past in our little country. But now it is taking a big boom in recent times. The popularity of drones has increased in recent years and people are getting familiar with this brand-new technology.
Drone popularity
(Image source)
Objective of the Project
To design an aerial delivery system for medical supplies in an urban environment with focusing on scalability. And based on the research I have done, I concluded that we don’t lack the technology, but we lack a viable delivery method which can be implemented for the general masses.
Case Study Download:
• Designing Scalable Air-Based Delivery Systems......