Shopping variety of products, under one roof and gaining shopping experience than the items that are purchased i.e. Point of purchase becomes the key factor in retail scenario. Today, any Lifestyle retail store can be seen as 'browsing' concept. Where, customer can pick up any product he/she feels like.
In traditional Saree shop the sales‐person reveals peculiarities of Sarees. But in retail shopping 'Display systems' does not really enhance the product. Even though the customer can pick up any saree she/he likes; the number of Sarees displayed in the store is very less compared to 'traditional saree' shop.
Hence the narrator felt the need of to design 'Display System for Sarees' to create the POP (Point-of-Purchase) Environment for Indian Wear.
Through this project the narrator has tried to design of a point of purchase display system along with some storage space, for Sarees, for lifestyle retail store. An effort is being made to establish the relationship of display with the product to be displayed on it with the customer and over all lifestyle retail store environment.
The project is dealt at three levels:
• Display of a single saree (casual, semi formals, formal).
• Display unit for various types of Sarees.
• Enhancing the environment.
Case Study Downloads:
• Display System for Sarees – POP Environment for Indian Wear - Pdf