Design process that was followed in this project:
• Introduction
- Synchronic and diachronic of toilets
- Why toilet for rural household?
- Design process
- Techniques used for the design process
• Data collection
- Toilet design for rural areas
- General Types of toilet seats and features
- Case studies
- Why low cost toilet for rural household?
- How to design low cost toilet for rural house hold?
- What to solve?
- Who are the users?
- Market study
- Design Brief
- Why squatting position?
- Design consideration of rural toilet?
- Anthropometric dimension
- Why dry toile?
• Ideation and concept development
- Mind map
- Image Board
- Roll playing
- Revised Design Brief
- Concept development
- Concept Evaluation
- Ranking of concepts
- Finalizing the pan dimensions
- Removing and collecting the waste from the chamber
- Form exploration of the final concept
- Material selection and consideration
- Manufacturing process
- Product branding and logo design
• References
Case Study Download:
• Low Cost Toilet for Rural Household......