Joy is an experience to cherish. It is elevated when shared with all. Joy is even more, when each individual is bonded to one another, such that they work towards achieving a common task. Joy is in travelling, eating together or even giving gifts. But, with so much of fumes from vehicles, the joy of travelling is pretty much lost today. In this motor age, a vehicle for a family, which brings everyone together, would thus be a pleasure.
This project aims to design a vehicle which is based on human power or more precisely muscle power. It does not involve any form of fuel and hence does not cause pollution to the environment. In turn a pedal powered vehicle helps in exercising as well as enjoy the surroundings. The idea behind this concept vehicle is to formulate a mode which can accommodate a small family which experiences joy while riding and travelling in special areas where there is restriction on use of fossil fuel based vehicles. In parallel situations, this model may be replicated in situations like theme parks, picnic zones, amusement parks etc. where it can be hired by visitors’ for a new experience.
Case Study Downloads:
• Family Cycle - Pdf