The idea of this project was to bring in the visual attributes of natural light (colour, illuminance and perception of motion) to create an immersive experience that helps a person to relax. So how can these visual attributes translate into relaxing a person?
Relevant data was collected on light, relaxation, colour - for example - studies have revealed that colours have an effect on our cognitive responses and certain wavelengths help in calming the mind, a theory on which Chromatherapy is also based. Relaxing can be even more enjoyable if the light is soft. Information on immersiveness and its significance in any experience was also obtained during user studies and interviews.
Finally all the research study was combined to get a comprehensive knowledge to bring out the Immersive Light Experience. The project brief and user details was then defined. Ideas were generated from which concepts were detailed and tested to simulate the desired effects to reach the final concept level.
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• Immersive Light Experience......