The Base:
Cutting the block into size.
Cutting the block into size.
Leveling the surface of the base. In pic. Award winning artist Lanu Pongen from Nagaland working on the base.
Sculpting the motifs.
Finishing the motifs.
Seasoning and treating the wood with flame.
Leaving the excess wax to burn off.
Sanding the surface to create the aged effect.
Final touches being made.
The finished base ready.
The Bamboo strips:
Metal frame for making the bamboo strips.
The bamboo strips soaked in water before bending.
Bending the bamboo strips and gluing them in layers.
The layers clamped with C-clamps are left overnight to set.
The clamps are removed and the strip is separated from the die for finishing.
Finishing the bamboo strips.
Finished bamboo strips before assembling.
Partly finished mock up
Testing the mock up