The emergence of COVID-19 has been the biggest challenge faced by health and economic infrastructure in the 21st century. India had taken measures to curb down the loss of life, but the socio-economic crisis has mostly hit migrant workers who make the backbone of the Indian economy. The migrant population already faces a lot of challenges due to a lack of proper documentation. This sudden loss of income added difficulties in their survival. Billions of workers lost their jobs, and with no income and savings, it became impossible to survive in cities. Many of them attempted to walk back home only to get stuffed into quarantine centers and shelters arranged by various state governments as a last-minute response to the scenario.
This project was about understanding the plight of migrants by looking at available data. An attempt was made to collect, curate, and present data related to migration. The final product is an interactive web-based infographic. The user can go through various visualizations in the infographic to derive insights and develop their own understanding of the events.
Case Study Download:
• Mass Migration During COVID-19......