Children learn quickly from their environment. Th eir brain develops up to 80% in between 0 to 7 years of age. Classroom being an immediate environment, it becomes the world where they explore, play and acquire skills.
Educational methodologies have been based on play and learn,Th ere are many educational products available to serve this purpose. A furniture being part of an environment and closely related to a child ,has the scope to off er more than just serving the purpose functionally. Th e project aims to design a furniture which becomes a ‘context’ for play and learning.
Hence in this project we will explore the possibilities in which a furniture can be manipulated to act as an element of play and learn. The design will cater to the basic needs and add value by identifying opportunities where the element of play and learn can be incorporated in a furniture.
Case Study Download:
• Furn Play - Playschool Furniture - Pdf