Interaction with children at Day school gave us insights on their behavior, learning behavior, imitating pattern, play, dislikes, peer interactions, ways of developing soft skills etc. After few visits of observation and interaction with children we developed an activity sheet where we mapped their activity, intent, observations and insights.
Interaction with parent opened up concern and insecurity while they are away. We understood how parents try to keep children away from doing wrong but right, keep them in a safe environment, keep a track on child’s behavior in the pre-operational age etc. We also found that working parents spend extra time and effort to spend time with their children playing indoor games on daily basis.
Interaction with children in indoors.
Inference from Outdoor play:
In outdoor games we games children have biased play according to gender and age. In times of confusion they invent their own game play and rules with group approvals. They devise fair play themselves to pick the captains and teams.
Conclusion of Primary Study:
• Children at the preoperational age enjoy playing with physical toys. They role-play, building imaginary environment, building scenarios etc is the way to bring their toys to life. This lead us to understand that tangibility tickles children to express and explore. Our focus was on supporting children exploration of emotional expression through their narrative and physical play.
• When children are involved through tangible toy, it makes the process of imagination easier and believable for them. This physical interactivity engages and involves the child physically and emotionally.
• Puppetry is a medium, which is already proven to evoke children to engage, story tell and role-play. Using this rhetorical knowledge of puppets, we used them as input devices to trigger storytelling platform using social media to story tell.