From the results of stage 1 of the project, it is evident that deaf people can improve their speech relatively through practice. Although the tool supported only the lip-reading video library for deaf users, most of them reported having a better understanding of how spoken or oral language elements appeared to be and found themselves able to reproduce the same. Results also showed moderate growth in speech articulation. Using them as leverage, we continue into stage 2, building a well-rounded speech practicing platform that majorly stresses independent learning for children, seamless functionality, providing additional tools, and building potential for children to practice on the material through ascending order of speaking levels.
It is important to note that we are not building a learning tool to teach speech. We create a mechanism where children can practice speech instead. It is expected that children should previously learn some extent of expression at speech therapies or home. I hope that this product's design can significantly reduce stress on trainers, having to sit with children and make speech practice less challenging.
New changes from Stage 1 to Stage 2:
1. We bring our focus target group only to deaf children who can read.
2. We eliminate the requirement of testing individuals with different speech disorders, but those arising out of deafness.
The Stage 1 results showed moderate growth in speech articulation. Using these as leverage, we continue into Stage 2, building a well-rounded speech practicing platform which majorly stresses on independent learning for children.
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• Unmute Speech......