Bibliography and References:
- Gibson, David; The Wayfinding Handbook: Information Design for Public Places; Princeton Architectural Press New York 2009.
- Calori, Chris; Signage and Wayfinding design : A complete guide to creating Environmental Graphic Design Systems; John Wiley & Sons Inc. New Jersey 2007.
- Cummings Design Partnership, Englund and Donnelly and Debra Nichols Design; Signage Standards Manual and Ordering Catlog; 2006
Unpublished Dissertations/Thesis Reports:
- Nanki Nath & Ravi Poovaiah, Investigation of the most preferred Bilingual Combination of Words: An Experiment with a selected Place Identification Signboard
- VCPR 263, Information graphics for Mumbai suburban railways, Manish Shah
- VCPR 603, Identity, Wayfinding and Signage for Public Hospitals, Xaxa Aman Rupesh
- VCDP 519 Crowd Runner, Redesign of Mumbai Railway LED information display indicator, Deepali Karanjavkar
Other Links:
• Useful resource e-links related to 'Graphic Design'
• Visual Communication Design at IDC, IIT Bombay
Case Study Download:
• Wayfinding and Signage System - Pdf