Base coat is applied to the following areas:
• Skin tone
• Hairstyle
• Eyes
• Background
Skin Tone:
Generally I start with flat base coats first, here I am using readily available Flesh tint for skin color and I have kept blank spaces for eyes, nose, lips and hair.
Frieda’s hairstyle is a little complicated to paint so I have come up with this idea of drawing lines showing hair direction first in black color and then I will apply the darkest brown on top of it. Acrylic color gives transparent effect if diluted with water and can be used to achieve different effects. Also I have applied base colors for flowers in her hair and then added shades and highlights to give it a 3D effect.
Eyes are the most important and crucial feature if you painting a portrait because the focus of the portrait painting is usually on the eyes. Here I have used 2 shades of brown and yellow ochre, diluted with water to achieve transparency and depth.
In all kind of paintings, background is also evenly important as it enhances the beauty of the main character in the painting. Here I am using shades of blue for the background because of two main reasons. First Frieda lived in a house, which was painted in blue, and second it is in contrast with the colors I am using for portrait.