After listening to the song many times, you can easily analyze whether it’s a slow sentimental song or fast and intense song. What could be the story of the song? What elements could play a major role in the narrative? Which would be the best way to make this music video? Is the song focusing on the artist or it is narrative based? Is it abstract in terms of style? What will suit the mood of the song?
Once you understand the story of the song, break it down into small possible events or shots.
Timing is one important factor in music. Take a stopwatch and note down when a new line starts? When there is a shift in pace of music. Where is chorus starting? Make a dope sheet.
If you have any sound editing software, it will be easy to mark all these things on the waveform of the music. Also measure the time between two beats. You can also do this with the help of the ‘scrub’ option.
All these things will help animation and synchronization of the visuals to the music.